374 research outputs found

    Politiche non sostenibili per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Il caso del Parco del Gennargentu

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    International experience in environmental protection planning suggests that conservation projects can be successfully realized only if associated to socio-economic promotion, while taking account of possible distortions in the distribution of benefits. Furthermore, participation of local people both in management and in planning is often indicated as crucial. In this paper we consider an unsuccessful case, the Gennargentu National Park in Sardinia. We set up and test an econometric model to explain the decision of the local communities to accept or refuse their inclusion in the Park area. Results suggest that while different perceptions of new economic opportunities can possibly influence the decision, also political and cultural motivations are significant. A strong interaction between policy makers and local people is then recommended both at policy design and implementation stages

    Motion planning and control methods for nonprehensile manipulation and multi-contact locomotion tasks

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    Many existing works in the robotic literature deal with the problem of nonprehensile dynamic manipulation. However, a unified control framework does not exist so far. One of the ambitious goals of this Thesis is to contribute to identify planning and control frameworks solving classes of nonprehensile dynamic manipulation tasks, dealing with the non linearity of their dynamic models and, consequently, with the inherited design complexity. Besides, while passing through a number of connections between dynamic nonprehensile manipulation and legged locomotion, the Thesis presents novel methods for generating walking motions in multi-contact situations

    Doseamento de vitamina D em produtos lácteos consumidos em Portugal

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    Objetivo: O presente trabalho apresentou como objetivo a determinação do teor de vitamina D em produtos lácteos disponíveis no mercado português de modo a contribuir para a avaliação da ingestão desta vitamina e estabelecer comparações com os valores apresentados nos respectivos rótulos

    Reseña del 5to Encuentro de Educadores “Saberes populares, quehaceres musicales”

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    Durante el mes de Septiembre del año 2023 se realizó en el Espacio Memoria y DDHH (Ex ESMA) el quinto Encuentro de Educadores, en el que estudiantes y formadores se reunieron a trabajar y reflexionar sobre modos de pensar la circulación y transmisión de saberes musicales en el contexto de proyectos socio comunitarios.Sociedad Argentina para las Ciencias Cognitivas de la Músic

    The role of external evaluation control mechanisms and the missing loop of innovation

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    School accountability is transitioning and incorporating socioeconomic narratives regarding inclusion, responsiveness to societal challenges, improving performance, and continuous adjustments through innovation. Considering external evaluation mechanisms of regulation, this study provides evidence of the schools’ lack of strategic orientations towards innovation that may leverage coherent and lasting improvements. A mixed research method was used to analyse 60 external evaluation reports concerning Portuguese school clusters. The study aims were to depict the school's strengths and improvement areas and identify associations between the school's organisational and pedagogical options that can promote or impede transformation. It used the odds ratio to quantify the associations' strengths and assess educational system practices. The results evidence that leadership and management appear as a robust valency in the Portuguese educational system, and self-evaluation and innovation are aspects of the school organisation that need to be developed and impactful. The findings also suggest that innovation appears as a missing loop when considering the external evaluation control mechanisms of action.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A motivação para o trabalho e os comportamentos desviantes

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioEste estudo surge na tentativa de consciencializar as organizações para o efeito significativo dos tipos de Motivação para o Trabalho e da Antiguidade sobre a prática de Comportamentos Desviantes por parte dos trabalhadores. Com uma amostra aleatória de 252 trabalhadores, os resultados indicam que os comportamentos desviantes são menores quando existe uma elevada motivação direcionada para um locus de controlo interno e/ou uma baixa motivação para um locus de controlo externo, e superiores quando a pessoa se move muito por condições externas a si (sobretudo por recompensas materiais). A antiguidade modera a relação entre os tipos de motivação para o trabalho e os comportamentos desviantes, à exceção da motivação externa social, que explica 39% da variação dos comportamentos desviantes. Outras evidências, bastante promissoras, indicam que as pessoas que estão há mais tempo na organização são aquelas que adotam mais comportamentos desviantes, comparativamente aos trabalhadores mais novos na empresa. Esta diferença ocorre sobretudo quando o trabalhador expressa intensamente cada tipo de motivação.ABSTRACT: This study aims to raise the awareness of the organizations for the important effects of the different types of motivations for work and for the tenure regarding deviant behaviors from employees. With a random sample of 252 employees, the results demonstrate that the deviant behaviors are reduced whenever there is a higher motivation for a locus of internal control and/or a lower motivation for a locus of external control. Nevertheless, these deviant behaviors increase whenever someone follows external conditions, namely material compensations. The tenure moderates the relation between the different types of motivations for work and the deviant behaviors, excluding however the social external motivation, which explains 39% of the deviant behaviors’ variation. Moreover, other results indicate that the employees that have staid longer in the organization are the ones with more deviant behaviors when compared with employees with less years inside of the firm. This difference is even more significant when the employee shows intensively each type of motivation

    Desenvolvimento de novos potenciais anticancerígenos com ação no G-quadruplex

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    Atualmente, o cancro apresenta uma elevada mortalidade perante a população mundial e novas estratégias terapêuticas têm sido desenvolvidas com o objetivo de combater esta patologia. Recentemente verificou-se que uma das formas de diminuir a atividade dos genes tumorais é através da estabilização das estruturas do G-quadruplex. O G-quadruplex é uma estrutura de quatro cadeias formada por sequências específicas ricas em guanina e estão presentes em regiões de extrema importância biológica, como telómeros humanos e promotores de oncogenes. A sua estabilização pode ser obtida com compostos orgânicos de baixo peso molecular que promovem a inibição da atividade da enzima telomerase. Assim, o contexto deste trabalho foca-se no desenvolvimento de compostos derivados de calixarenos, capazes de se ligarem seletivamente ao G-quadruplex telomérico. Os compostos foram sintetizados, purificados e caraterizados por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) e Espectometria de Massa (MS). A interação entre as estruturas G-quadruplex e os derivados de calixarenos foi estudada utilizando titulações de RMN de 1H, de modo a avaliar a estabilização do G-quadruplex a diferentes temperaturas e identificar os locais de ligação envolvidos na interação. O efeito dos compostos na proliferação das linhas celulares tumorais (MCF-7 e LNCaP) e normais (NHDF) foi avaliado pelo ensaio MTT, de modo a se poder concluir acerca do seu interesse como potenciais agentes anticancerígenos. Adicionalmente, a localização celular dos calixarenos foi avaliada por microscopia de fluorescência confocal e o estudo do mecanismo de morte celular por citometria de fluxo. Da síntese química resultaram vários intermediários e dois macrociclos, os quais foram posteriormente estudados. A formação e estabilidade da estrutura G-quadruplex foi seguida por RMN e observou-se que à temperatura de 65°C este desnaturou, passando à forma de duplex. Por microscopia de fluorescência, observou-se que os compostos macrociclos são fluorescentes e que, ao nível de localização celular, não se observou fluorescência no núcleo da célula com o composto Calix-Benz. Relativamente à avaliação biológica dos derivados de calixarenos pelo ensaio MTT, verificou-se existirem diferentes efeitos antiproliferativos. O composto que revelou ser mais tóxico para as várias linhas celulares foi o intermediário Calix-NH2, especialmente em células cancerígenas da próstata, uma vez que foram observados valores elevados de inibição da proliferação celular e IC50 de 1,474 µM, demonstrando também ser mais tóxico para estas células do que para as células normais da derme humana. Este mesmo composto não relevou marcação significativa pela Anexina V-FITC e originou valores significativos de morte celular em comparação com compostos padrão ativos contra o cancro da mama.Currently, cancer has a high mortality rate in global population and new therapeutic strategies have been developed in order to treat this disease. Recently, it was found that stabilization of the G-quadruplex structures reduce the activity of tumoral genes. The G-quadruplex structure is constituted by four specific chains rich in guanine sequences, which are present in regions with biological importance such as human telomeres and oncogene promoters. The stabilization of these structures can be achieved through binding of molecular compounds that can promote inhibition of telomerase activity in cancer cells. Therefore, this work focuses on the development of calixarene derivatives, able to selectively bind the telomeric G-quadruplex. These compounds were synthetized, purified and characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS). The interaction between the G-quadruplex structures and the calixarene derivatives is studied using 1H-NMR titration, in order to evaluate the stabilization of G-quadruplex at different temperatures and also to identify the compounds binding sites involved in the interaction. The effects of these compounds on proliferation of tumoral (MCF-7 and LNCaP) and normal (NHDF) cell lines were assessed by MTT assay to evaluate as potential anti-cancer agents. Moreover, their cellular localization is evaluated by confocal fluorescence microscopy and the cell death follows by flow cytometry. From the chemical synthesis resulted several calixarene intermediates and two macrocycles that are studied as G-quadruplex binders. The formation and stability of G-quadruplex structure is monitored by NMR, and revealed a denaturation to a duplex at T=65°C. The fluorescence microscopy revealed that the macrocycles compounds are fluorescent and no fluorescence is observed for Calix-Benz in the nucleus of the cells. The biological evaluation of calixarene derivatives by the MTT assay revealed different anti-proliferative effects. The Calix-NH2 is found to be the most citotoxic compound in these cell lines, especially for the prostate cancer cells, since high levels of inhibition of cell proliferation and a IC50 of 1.474 µM is observed in cancer cells than in normal human dermal cells. This compound also evidenced to have more toxic effects for these cells than to normal human dermal cells. This compound do not have significant staining using FITC Annexin V; however significant cell death is obtained when compared to standard compounds against breast cancer

    Control of Nonprehensile Planar Rolling Manipulation: A Passivity-Based Approach

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    This paper presents a new procedure to design a control law using the classical interconnection and damping assignment technique within the passivity-based port-Hamiltonian framework. The sought goal is to reduce the complexity of solving the so-called matching equations. The proposed approach is applied to two case studies of planar rolling nonprehensile manipulation, namely, the ball-and-beam and the eccentric disk-on-disk. The performance of the resulting controllers is illustrated through both simulations and experimental results, showing the applicability of the design in a real setup